Category: Repository

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This study aims to find out enhancement of students’ mathematical reflective thinking ability through
knowledge sharing learning strategy in Senior High School. The method of study used quasi
experiment by non-equivalent control group design. The population of this study are eighth grader
students of Senior High School in Tangerang City, Banten Province. Sampling technique used cluster
random sampling with the numbers of students are 140 students. The instruments used in the form
prior mathematical knowledge test and mathematical reflective thinking ability test. Data analysis are
done by requisite test, namely data normality test (Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z Test) and homogeneity
test (Levene Test). The statistic analysis of the data was conducted with one-way ANOVA, two-way
ANOVA, and Scheffe Test. The results of study are as follows: (1) there is enhancement difference
of mathematical reflective thinking ability of the students learning with knowledge sharing strategy
and conventional learning; (2) there is enhancement difference of mathematical reflective thinking
ability between students learning with knowledge sharing strategy (KSS) and conventional learning
based on school level and prior mathematical knowledge (MPK) of students (higher, middle,
lower); (3) The interaction between learning strategy (KSS) and prior mathematical knowledge
(higher, middle, lower) influenced student’s enhancement of mathematical reflective thinking

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The study investigates the use of Task-based Language Teaching in optimizing children’s language acquisition of EFL in speaking skill. The aim of study is to search the TBLT in foreign language learning, and proof that this approach is one of good way in language learning . The study applied descriptive explorative and pre-experimental research which allow the writer to collect the data in three ways: library, observation, and field research. The result of the study shows that TBLT is affective to boost children’s ability in oral communication in simple utterances: instructing, requesting, and warning. Thus they composed simple utterances to express need, it is encouraged the child himself has inner motivation to learn by themselves in the way at their time playing by learning.

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Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menelaah peningkatan kemampuan koneksi dan komunikasi matematik siswa SMP yang diterapkan pembelajaran kontekstual berbantuan program Geometer’s Sketchpad dibandingkan dengan siswa yang diterapkan pembelajaran konvensional, keterkaitan antara kemampuan koneksi dan komunikasi matematis, sikap siswa terhadap pembelajaran kontekstual berbantuan program Geometer’s Sketchpad, dan aktivitas siswa selama pembelajaran kontekstual berbantuan program Geometer’s Sketchpad berlangsung. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain quasi eksperimen dengan kelompok kontrol pretes dan postes. Kelompok eksperimen memperoleh pembelajaran kontekstual berbantuan program Geometer’s Sketchpad dan kelompok kontrol memperoleh pembelajaran konvensional. Untuk mendapatkan data hasil penelitian digunakan instrumen berupa tes kemampuan koneksi, komunikasi matematis dan lembar observasi. Subjek penelitian siswa SMP Negeri 3 Tangerang di Propinsi Banten dengan subjek sampel adalah siswa kelas VII sebanyak dua kelas dari sepuluh kelas yang ada dipilih secara acak. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu: (1)Terdapat perbedaan peningkatan kemampuan koneksi dan komunikasi matematik antara kelompok siswa yang belajar dengan menggunakan pendekatan kontekstual dibandingkan dengan siswa yang belajar dengan pendekatan konvensional; (2) Terdapat korelasi positif yang cukup antara kemampuan koneksi dan komunikasi matematik siswa; (3) Pembelajaran dengan menggunakan pendekatan kontekstual memperlihatkan motivasi dan keterlibatan siswa yang baik sehingga terbangun suatu masyarakat belajar dengan suasana yang kondusif.

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The stud}’ investigates the use of mind mapping technique in teaching writing. This study was conducted based on the two main problems: 1) is the mind mapping technique applied in the students’ writing skill? 2) Does mind mapping technique affect on the students’ writing skill? The aim of the study was to find out the students’ writing skill after learning using mind mapping. The study applied free experimental designs, using paired simple t-test with the sample of 30 students from the population of 120 students. The result revealed that the mapping technique affected on improving the students’ writing skill.

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Theatrical Clerics in Religious Ritual

A wise man said that “you will never be a pious when you never feel loneliness”, because loneliness can be used as an indicator of someone’s level of piety. In loneliness, the awareness of God’s existence can be felt, because in loneliness a person will not be affected by motives that come from the encouragement or motivation of the other persons’ prensence. Meanwhile someone’s piety which is shown in the public, according to the author it is very difficult to assess the real of sincerity. There are thousands motives when someone do observance in the middle of the social communities. This research used a qualitative research method with phenomenological research tradition, in the terms of Lindlof (1995:27) it is called as an interpretive paradigm which is refered to the communication research with qualitative methods that perform the tradition of phenomenology, ethnometodology, symbolic interaction, ethnography and cultural studies.

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The Impact of the Student-Student versus Teacher-Student Interactions on Students’ Speaking Skills

The study attempts to investigate the effect of the treatments of student-student interactions versus teacher-student interactions to the students’ speaking skills in Conversation in English Programs. The number of the students in. each of the three classes (namely student-student interactions class, teacher-student interactions class and control class is not more than 12 students; an ideal number for student-centered class. Each class teacher of the experiment group (student-student interaction group and teacher-student interaction group) is provided with lesson plan and discussions on the lesson plans were conducted prior to the treatments; while the control group teacher has no interfere at all (from the researcher). The students were given situational dialog test before being treated. After being treated for ten consecutive sessions, the same test was administered again. To meet the prerequisite for normal distribution, the data of pre test and post test were analyzed. After normal distribution test was conducted, to determine the progress from the pretest andposttest, paired samples t-test is used; while comparing the progress of the students’ speaking skills in those three groups, one way anova is implemented. The results of the gain of the students ‘ achievement was again processed using LSD (Least significant difference) test to further analyze and find out the most significant improvement among the three group. The LSD test showed that the average of students’ achievement in the Student- Student Interactions Group far excelled the achievement of the students in the Teacher-Student Interaction Group and the Control Group. It is clearly seen that the progress of students’ achievement in the Teacher-Student Group did not have a significant difference with the progress of the students in the Control Group. To conclude, student-student interactions, in which students are given exposure to use the language in class around 75%, enhance students speaking skills.

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Developing Learning System in Pesantren The Role of ICT

According to Krashen’s affective filter hypothesis, students who are highly motivated
have a strong sense of self, enter a learning context with a low level of anxiety, and are much
more likely to become successful language acquirers than those who do not. Affective factors,
such as motivation, attitude, and anxiety, have a direct impact on foreign language acquisition.
Horwitz et al. (1986) mentioned that many language learners feel anxious when learning foreign
languages. Thus, this study recruits 100 college students to fill out the Foreign Language
Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) to investigate language learning anxiety. Then, this study
designs and develops an affective tutoring system (ATS) to conduct an empirical study. The
study aims to improve students’ learning interest by recognizing their emotional states during
their learning processes and provide adequate feedback. It is expected to enhance learners’
motivation and interest via affective instructional design and then improve their learning

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Before presenting the notion of vocabulary strategies, it is necessary to know what language learning strategies mean. The term of language learning strategies has been associated with the four basic skills such as, listening, speaking, reading, and also deals with other skill areas as well. For example, there are strategies associated with vocabulary and translation. But what are actually language learning strategies?

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Multimedia Development of English Vocabulary Learning in Primary School

In this paper, we describe a prototype of web-based intelligent handwriting education
system for autonomous learning of Bengali characters. Bengali language is used by more than
211 million people of India and Bangladesh. Due to the socio-economical limitation, all of the
population does not have the chance to go to school. This research project was aimed to develop
an intelligent Bengali handwriting education system. As an intelligent tutor, the system can
automatically check the handwriting errors, such as stroke production errors, stroke sequence
errors, stroke relationship errors and immediately provide a feedback to the students to correct
themselves. Our proposed system can be accessed from smartphone or iPhone that allows
students to do practice their Bengali handwriting at anytime and anywhere. Bengali is a
multi-stroke input characters with extremely long cursive shaped where it has stroke order
variability and stroke direction variability. Due to this structural limitation, recognition speed is
a crucial issue to apply traditional online handwriting recognition algorithm for Bengali
language learning. In this work, we have adopted hierarchical recognition approach to improve
the recognition speed that makes our system adaptable for web-based language learning. We
applied writing speed free recognition methodology together with hierarchical recognition
algorithm. It ensured the learning of all aged population, especially for children and older
national. The experimental results showed that our proposed hierarchical recognition algorithm
can provide higher accuracy than traditional multi-stroke recognition algorithm with more
writing variability.

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At present, the escalation of violence has been intense nationally and globally due to variety of reasons such as religions, human rights, culture, and politics. The violence has threatened the peace, harmony, and plurality in the community. One of the main sources of the violence is the uncontrolled aggressive instinct of the human being. In line with this issue, this article attempts to reintroduce religious, cultural, and social values that the people can use to control their provocative aggressive instinct and transform it into good deeds for the sake of the peace and harmony among the pluralistic society.